why hydraulic hose burst


Why Hydraulic Hose Burst

Hydraulic systems are an essential component of many machinery and equipment in various industries. They allow for the transfer of power and force through the use of pressurized fluid. However, despite their importance, one common issue that hydraulic systems face is a burst hydraulic hose. This occurrence can lead to hazardous situations, equipment failure, and costly repairs. In this article, we will explore the reasons why hydraulic hose burst and what can be done to prevent it.

The Role of Hydraulic Hoses

Before diving into the causes of hydraulic hose burst, it is crucial to understand the role of hydraulic hoses in a hydraulic system. Hydraulic hoses are responsible for the transmission of high-pressure fluid to various components within the hydraulic system. They act as a medium for the transfer of power and force from the hydraulic pump to the hydraulic cylinder or motor.

The Causes of Hydraulic Hose Burst

1. Age and Wear

One of the primary causes of hydraulic hose burst is the age and wear of the hose. Over time, hydraulic hoses are exposed to high pressure, extreme temperatures, and other environmental factors that can cause them to deteriorate. The aging process causes the hose material to weaken, making it vulnerable to cracks, tears, and leaks. Additionally, wear and tear can occur when hydraulic hoses rub against other components or when they bend too sharply.

2. Overpressure

Another common cause of hydraulic hose burst is overpressure. Hydraulic hoses are designed to operate within a specific pressure range. When the pressure exceeds the hose's limit, it can result in a catastrophic failure. Overpressure can occur due to a malfunctioning pressure relief valve, a blocked hose, or an operator error.

3. Contamination

Contamination is another factor that can cause hydraulic hose burst. Hydraulic systems are prone to contamination from dust, dirt, and other particles that can enter the system and clog or damage the hose. Contamination can also occur when hydraulic fluids degrade, allowing particles to accumulate in the hydraulic system.

4. Improper Installation

Improper installation of hydraulic hoses can also cause them to burst. When hoses are not installed correctly, they are more prone to kinking, twisting, and rubbing against other components. This can lead to premature wear and tear and eventually hose failure. Additionally, when hoses are not tightened to the correct torque or when incompatible fittings are used, it can cause leaks or even hose disconnection.

5. Chemical Degradation

Another lesser-known cause of hydraulic hose burst is chemical degradation. Some hydraulic fluids contain chemicals that can react with hose materials, causing the hose to break down and fail. Chemical degradation can also be caused by exposure to sunlight, ozone, or other environmental factors.

Preventing Hydraulic Hose Burst

Now that we have explored the causes of hydraulic hose burst, it is essential to discuss how it can be prevented. Here are a few ways to minimize the risk of hydraulic hose failure:

- Implement a regular maintenance schedule to check for signs of wear and tear, contamination, and overpressure.

- Choose the right type of hydraulic hose that is compatible with the fluid, temperature, and pressure of the hydraulic system.

- Ensure that hoses are installed correctly and that the fittings are tightened to the correct torque.

- Use protective sleeves, guards, or clamps to prevent chafing and rubbing against other components.

- Perform regular fluid analysis to check for contamination, acid levels, and other degradation signs.


A hydraulic hose burst can be a dangerous and costly event that can lead to workplace injuries, machinery downtime, and expensive repairs. Understanding the causes of hydraulic hose burst and implementing preventive measures can help minimize the risk of hose failure. A regular maintenance schedule, proper installation, and fluid analysis are key factors to ensure that hydraulic hoses operate safely and efficiently.


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